You will have a breakdown with your car in the middle of Schwarzwald!
This is going to be a major change in your life.
On your way to the farmhouse next to the street you soon will
find out, that something is going terribly wrong!
To leave this area, you urgently need a new car - and there is evidence, that humans are around.
But there are other fabulous creatures and extraterrestrials having the same issue you do - and you will meet them sooner or later…
So far, so good - it is going to be a weird trip!
SZH is a classic rail shooter, developed by a two man indie game crew.
Gyroscope support for even more fun
8 different worlds + x special worlds
Bizzare achievements
Abstract storyline
Different weapons
Zombies destruction models
Fancy special characters
If you like our app, please vote for us, so we know whether we should develop more features!